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A Clean Heart

Writer: First Free Will of De SotoFirst Free Will of De Soto

Updated: Mar 13, 2019

Written by Diane ~

Winter is not my favorite season but I love snow and was excited when they predicted a heavy snow storm a couple of weeks ago. Because of the amount of snow they were predicting, I knew it would cover the muddy driveway and road and brown grass, making everything glistening white and beautiful! Yes, it would require me to have to do some snow shoveling but the transformation of the drabness of winter into the brightness of a winter wonderland was worth it!

When I woke up Saturday morning, the first thing I did was look outside to see how much snow we got. We had at least 10 inches at that time and as far as you could see, there was nothing but the beauty of the pristine white snow covering everything . It was breathtaking!

Later that afternoon when I was out shoveling snow, I kept thinking about what an awesome God we have. Only our God could provide the beautiful white snow falling from the sky and use it to cover the ugliness of winter. How only our God sent his son down from heaven to earth, to cover our ugliness with his precious blood so that we would be washed clean!

As I started shoveling the part of the driveway that wasn’t plowed, the mud in the driveway came with it, making the pure white snow a dirty brown. I hated that the mud from the driveway was causing the beautiful snow to not be as beautiful anymore! It got me thinking about what was going on in my life and a recent struggle I’ve had with letting go of anger toward a couple of family members. Giving in to my fleshly feelings was causing the ugliness of winter in my heart. I knew how I was feeling was not pleasing to God so I stopped shoveling and prayed. I thanked God for helping me to see that my heart was being hardened, asked for his forgiveness and asked him to soften my heart toward the family members I’ve been struggling with. I am thankful that God hears my prayers and for the blessing of His mercy and grace!

John 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

~ Diane


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